After almost three years of research, planning and development we're proud to present the first public version of Xabber Server. Server is licensed under GNU AGPL v3 license, source code is available on GitHub. It is a fork of superb open source source XMPP server ejabberd by ProcessOne, with many custom protocol improvements an an all-new management panel.

Notable features:
- Quick installation, an extremely streamlined process that results in a fully configured server, complete with configured XMPP certificates
- Easy to use management panel
- Group Chat protocol
- Message deletion and retraction
- Quick client synchronization protocol
- Reliable message delivery
- Built-in Xabber for Web, to take advantage or all this great stuff
In the coming months we'll be shipping XEPs with our protocol improvements to XSF for consideration. We also expect to release an iOS and Android versions of Xabber with support for this functionality.
We are extremely grateful to ProcessOne team for creating world's best XMPP server, this release wouldn't be possible without your hard work.
We would also appreciate any constructive developer and user feedback / bug reports. Post issues on GitHub, email us or join our developer group chat (just add this XMPP Id using any XMPP client. Best results can be achieved with a development version of Xabber for Web)